Feb 20, 2010

stuff I use and where to get it

A reader recently asked me for cookie cutter resources, and it occurred to me (finally) that perhaps many readers would like to know such things as where to get cookie cutters, frosting bags, gourmet writers, etc etc etc. I will warn you all at the start that I am in the US, and so I'm afraid the resources will be US-friendly, but hopefully the shopping list is at least helpful.

(click on orange links for a closer look at these items)

1. Wilton decorating tips, usually sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
2. Wilton 12-inch disposable decorating bags
3. Wilton standard couplers
4. lollipop sticks
5. Americolor gourmet writers
6. Americolor soft gel pastes
7. rolled fondant
8. cookie cutters
9. light corn syrup
10. parchment paper
11. meringue powder
12. marshmallows


As you can see above, I use a lot of Wilton products. Wilton products are available in tons of craft stores, cake decorating supply stores and online shops, but you can also shop at Wilton directly.

Ingredients, marshmallows, corn syrup, and parchment paper can of course be found in the supermarket. You may even find meringue powder there.

craft stores
Find most of the supplies above in the baking aisle of major craft stores, like Michaels or AC Moore. You can find: decorating tips, frosting bags, couplers, fondant, meringue powder and lollipop sticks there. You can also find concentrated paste food coloring and edible pens there, but I much prefer Americolor soft gel pastes and Gourmet Writers (see below), harder to find.

food coloring
As mentioned above, I prefer Americolor soft gel pastes and Gourmet Writers. They come in a huge array of colors, blend beautifully, and best of all are tasteless. The Writers have more color variety than craft store counterparts and have finer tips. To find, go to Americolor's web site (click the link and then click "Links" for resources). You can also find them at amazon.com. Search for "Americolor soft gel paste" or "Americolor Gourmet Writers". Unless you have hundreds of cookies to decorate, I recommend the .75 ounce size of soft gel pastes. A little goes a very long way.

cookie cutters
There are a near infinite supply of cutters in all kinds of shapes online. Find basic shapes at the craft stores (also look for fondant cutters there, they work on cookies, too). Here are a few of my favorite cutter sites:

the cookie cutter shop
h.o. foose tinsmithing
off the beaten path


  1. Thank you so much for sharing, I love your cookies and designs and often wonder where/what to get! Thanks

  2. Dear Meaghan, thank you so much for sharing this information with us, your readers. I do follow and learn from you something different every time you post. I am not that talented decorating cookies but blogs like yours make my learning experince easier.

  3. Thank you for always looking after us starters! You are the bestest! ;o)

    Kim @ http://frostmeblog.blogspot.com

  4. Thank you! I've always wondered about a couple of those items! :D

    check out my blog:


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Love your shopping cart cookie-so cute!

  7. Just love all your goodies and darling website! I've got a cookie give-away going on now and I always love to check out what you've got going on too. :)

  8. Great list of items!
    Love them all!

  9. What a lovely little cart--- I can just imagine you creating little grocery store itmes that would go inside! :):)

    This is my first visit to your blog---do you sell your cookies for those us who are clueless in the kitchen??

  10. thanks everyone! Supercute bunny cookie giveaway over at Pink Martinis and Pearls, everyone. Thanks katherinemarie! I don't sell actual cookies because in DC I'm not allowed to sell food from my home kitchen. But the store where I decorated cookies for yikes, a decade!, has great stuff (and they ship all over the us). It's bundlesofcookies.com.

  11. Here is my plan: Buy everything on this list AND then I will make amazing cookies like you. You are going along with this right?....

  12. Thanks so much for the resources. I come to your site a couple of times a week. Your ideas always inspire me.

  13. Can you tell where you got the shopping cart cookie cutter?? :0)

  14. Elizabeth, I'm afraid this one I cut out by hand. Unless you have tons to decorate, not a bad way to go, though. You can probably click on the image to make it larger, print it out, cut it out and use it as a template!

  15. I was thinking maybe that's what you did - super cute!! Thanks - I'll give it a try :0)

  16. I just came across your site. I found your book, Cookie Sensations, several years ago when I was looking to improve my skills. I love to bake but my decorating skills are not so great. Your book really helped to break down the skill of decorating into something I could do to finish a project. So glad I found this site!!!

  17. Aw, thank you! Always a boost to see such comments :)

  18. You use the couplers with the decorating bags, they hold the decorating tips. That way, you can easily change tips without needing a whole new decorating bag.

  19. ugh, I keep forgetting to sign in under the right account! Sorry, that was me up there giving the coupler answer.


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