Jan 31, 2010

"popcorn" cookies...snacks, part two

As promised, part two of my "snacks for the Super Bowl" series. (Can it be called a "series" with only two?) This time: popcorn.

how to make "popcorn" cookies you will need:*

mini circle cutter
frosting colors (black, white, yellow)

3 frosting bags
3 couplers

3 decorating tips (2 of size "3", 1 of size "4")

3 rubber bands

*Find the above at any craft store in the baking aisle. I used a 1 1/4-inch circle, but you can use any in the 1 to 2 inch size. You can find concentrated paste coloring in the craft store, but I use Americolor soft gel pastes (harder to find, but click the link for tips on where to buy, also available at amazon.com. Here, I used Super Black, Egg Yellow and Bright White).

step one: bake your cookies
Make and chill cookie dough according to recipe. Roll out and cut out circles. Pinch the sides of the circle (towards the top, not right in the center) and flatten back in shape with fingers if needed. Bake on a parchment paper-lined tray as directed by recipe and let cool.step two: prepare your frosting
Prepare frosting according to recipe and make three colors: black, white and light yellow. Prepare three frosting bags and fill with each color, using "3" tips for the black and yellow and a "4" tip for the white. Tie closed tightly with a rubber band.

step three: decorate your cookies
Outline shape with black frosting. Let set about 15 minutes (or by the time you outline all of the cookies). Pipe highlights with the yellow and let set. Fill the rest of the popcorn by piping with the white frosting. Let dry overnight at room temperature before packaging or handling.


  1. very cute! the kids would love these, especially in the popcorn bucket!

  2. Ok SERIOUSLY!?!?

    These cookies are adorable!! I can't wait to try them myself! Thanks so much for the step by step.

    You're terrific!

  3. really creative. and bite size. awesome.

  4. Cute idea! They look adorable with that popcorn box.

  5. How clever! Your pictures are always so well done too!! Eye-candy for sure!

  6. WOW!- Now that's something you don't come across every day! Very creative!

  7. These are adorable! Love them spilling out of the popcorn container!

  8. These are freakin' awesome!! Thanks for the tutorial too :)


  9. Yep, they're adorable. I've not seen the single kernels done before. I do an entire box of popcorn but am lovin these.
    Renee of kudoskookies.com

  10. You are all waaay too nice to me! Just popped over to your site, Renee, very cute cookies! Oh yes, I've done the whole box before too, always a hit at my old store(and movie tix, and movie cameras and everything remotely related to popcorn. I think there is no object you can name that I've not put on a cookie! love this medium...).

  11. Too cute! Thinking this would make great end of the year teacher gifts with a GC to blockbuster! :)

  12. Definitely...I've done the same thing before! (In fact, I usually give a decorated cookie whenever I give gift cards. Just adds a little extra something. And makes it personalized.)

  13. you can also use an upside down mini skull cutter it gives you the same shape i might try that!


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